Carrie Simon (Author & Child Advocate)

Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.

Psalm 128:6
Child Advocacy Novels
Speaking Engagements

About Author and Child Advocate, Carrie Simon

As a mother, advocacy has become more of a calling than just a pasttime endeavor for Carrie. It is her desire to inform and encourage others of how prevelent child abuse is so every reader can become a part of the solution. It’s up to each and every one of us, to SAVE THEM ALL.

Carrie’s first two novels place you in a time when ‘Amber Alerts’ and ‘Facebook shares’ did not exist.  There was no googling sexual predators in your neighborhood nor were there signs on the freeway alerting drivers of missing children. Life was simple, but evil has always existed. We weren’t as aware of it as we are now, because it wasn’t as readily in our faces. However, it existed. And often, prevailed.

Between four and seven children die at the hands of abuse or neglect in the United States, EACH DAY. In the ten seconds it takes you to read this short paragraph, someone is reporting child abuse to an agency.

Won’t you join Carrie in the movement to raise awareness on child abuse and neglect.

"Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and the needy.”

– Proverbs 31:9
Advocating for Children

Because EVERY Child Matters

Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. —Psalm 82:3­–4 (NIV)

Speaking Engagements

Carrie Simon has traveled to schools and churches to speak to youth about suicide awareness, bullying, and the importance of making good choices.

Mentor Programs

Carrie has used her voice to mentor hundreds of youth and children over the years, even years before starting her non-profit, Save Them ALL, Inc.

Advocacy Novels

Carrie is the author of 3 children's advocacy novels to date. She has written about matters close ot her heart such as child abuse and neglect, missing children and suicide prevention.

Years Supporting Children

What We've Been Up To

The Mission to Save Them ALL

My mission is simple. Be a voice to those who have none. From a very young age I've been passionate ...

Maker of Difference

Carrie Simon is the author of three acclaimed Christian fiction thrillers, Save Them All, A Novel and ...


Have you run away? Need a safe place to talk without criticism or judgment? WE'RE HERE 24/7...

Suicide Hotline

If you or someone you know is considering SUICIDE, please call the National Suicide Hotline, immediately...

Fight Against Child Abuse

Save Them All, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to fighting against abuse by raising...


Abused and Neglected Children Are More Likely to Drop Out of School and Have Learning Issues ...

Join Us On Our mission.


Carrie Simon / Author

The woman impassioned to start a movement.
A movement to


Christian publishing company Carrie was blessed with to move forward with her mission. "GOD makes ALL things possible." Matt. 19:26

Me 300 x 300 px
J. Lynn Trahan / PR

Just another mother who believes in Carrie's cause and has joined her in her endeavors.

Help Us Advocate For Children

Every person can help make a difference in a child’s life.