Carrie Simon (Author & Child Advocate)

Just as the branches of an old oak can protect us from nature's elements, we as a society can protect ALL children by banding together in Unity and ​bonding as one in Love. Contact me and join the movement..... Always, ​Carrie

Contact Carrie

To contact Carrie regarding a book signing, interview, or any other reason, please fill out this form, contact her via email at



(844) 317-7233


​Lafayette, La.


Designing this site, was at times, a most difficult and draining task. Researching and listening to music while studying these hard-hitting topics concerning innocent children made me physically and emotionally ill. The longer I would work, the harder the tears began to flow. If I could only show others how tragic this topic is by delving deep into the abyss with her, perhaps others might understand her passion like I do. Overcoming abuse myself, (as a child and in several relationships as an adult), I know all too well the struggle it takes to claim victory. I had one therapist say I had to “retrain my brain.” Truth is, ANY form of abuse molds a mind and it can negatively impact a person’s life for many years to come. Scars are deeply embedded forever and some wounds may never heal. They just scab over until you are hit with a trigger or you fall into another cycle of abuse.

I am honored to have been chosen by Carrie to assist in her mission to  #SaveThemALL…. It is our firm belief God has placed us in each other’s life for a special purpose. I was not guided here by happenstance anymore than she pens her words in her novels in hopes of making everyone fervently aware of what some children endure. It is our mission to place them on a path of love and freedom. Please contact us if you are someone who would like to assist us in Carrie’s noble cause…… to SAVE THEM ALL.

Thank you,
J. Lynn / PR Rep for Carrie Simon (Child Advocate and Author) & Save Them ALL, Inc.